Teach Us to Pray International exists to plan and teach seminars on prayer, to help facilitate pastor's prayer summits, to consult with pastors and other Christian leaders to help them establish effective prayer ministries in their local congregations, to promote unity through prayer between pastors and churches within communities for the purpose of community transformation, to provide spiritual direction to individuals seeking to know God better, and to provide healing prayer ministry to hurting believers, but especially to pastors and other Christian leaders.  Many who minister in other countries particularly need instruction and mentoring in prayer.  They require someone who can serve them with little or no cost because their resources are so limited and they face enormous opposition.  We are especially called to provide assistance in these critical areas.  We actively cooperate with and network with other ministries that have redemptive purposes in the area of prayer similar to our own.

We also provide community development assistance and training, medical outreaches and other practical assistance in locations where we have a presence.  This includes our center in Huejotzingo, Mexico where we work with at-risk kids and their families, and our beekeeping center and projects around Fiji.